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Animals That Eat Only Grass


Animals That Eat Grass: A Comprehensive Guide

Grass-Eating Animals

The animal kingdom is vast and diverse, and its members have evolved to consume a wide variety of foods. Among these animals, there are those that primarily feed on grass, known as granivores. These animals have systems that allow them to break down and digest grass, extracting nutrients that other animals cannot.

Examples of Grass-Eating Animals

Some common examples of granivores include llamas, zebras, kangaroos, grasshoppers, deer, camels, and beavers. These animals have different adaptations that enable them to consume grass efficiently. For instance, zebras have evolved flat teeth that help them grind tough grasses, while camels have a multi-chambered stomach that allows them to ferment and extract nutrients from grass.

Animals with Supplemented Grass Diets

In addition to granivores, there are many other animals that consume grass as part of their diet. These animals may not rely solely on grass for sustenance, but they derive certain benefits from its consumption. For example, pandas supplement their diet of bamboo with grass, while monkeys and skinks eat grass to supplement their intake of insects and fruits.


The consumption of grass is an important part of the diets of many animals, both granivores and those that supplement their diet with grass. These animals have evolved specialized adaptations that enable them to extract nutrients and energy from grass, which plays a vital role in their survival and well-being.

